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CORA Trade Hub




Our trained sales representatives will set and sign you up to our FREE CORA Trade Hub. This is the perfect platform for quoting and enhancing each step of the buying process.

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Browse through and select products with customers to help your business grow. Your orders can be placed on site, are live and easily tracked to help you remove those unwanted admin tasks. With CORA you see more customers and sell more product!

The Benefits
Picture Based Flow

Accurate and versatile imagery to help upsell your product and showcase the possibilities

Price Jobs On The Go

Smart and easy way to manage the order process for smooth business transactions and to update the customer of logistics for customer satisfaction

Live Order Tracking

Smart and easy way to manage the order process for smooth business transactions and to update the customer of logistics for customer satisfaction

Customer History & Data

Have instant access to your customer details; their orders, debts, bestselling products, preferences and more, to help understand their needs

Easy to Use

Make faster and error-free orders on site, cuts out the paper work to free up your time and reduce costs

Simplified Ordering Solution

Use the information you have to offer the right product and personalise proposals where you can up-sell to increase sales success

Reduces Ordering Error & Limits Mistakes

Produce superior results for your customers with check measure, confirmation and fitting categories

Permission-based secure access

Unique login and user permission portal to manage your own users for smoother workflow and privacy control

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